"Anyone who is thirsty may come to Me! Anyone who comes to Me may come and drink...Rivers of LIVING WATER will flow from their heart!" John 7:37-38
Welcome to the H2O Youth Ministry Website
"The goal of H2O Youth Ministry is to reach out to the youth. To let them know that not only do WE care, but that God cares; to give them a place to learn and know who they really are, and to hopefully guide them in the right direction. In order to achieve that goal, there will be TONS of questions they will ask along the way. People aren't always comfortable with something they don't understand. So if we can explain "why" in a way that is simple but gets to the core, they will be more liekly to respond and eventually understand even deeper." Amanda, 18

Inside you will find out about our different ministries that take place for those in 7th - 12th grade and be able to see and read about our upcoming events and activities. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE...stop by the photos page to observe H2O Youth in action...and of course you can always contact us!
About Us
Rockwall Free Methodist Church
315 Dalton Road
Rockwall, TX 75087
(972) 772-7577