"Anyone who is thirsty may come to Me! Anyone who comes to Me may come and drink...Rivers of LIVING WATER will flow from their heart!" John 7:37-38
Rockwall Free Methodist Church
315 Dalton Road
Rockwall, TX 75087
(972) 772-7577
Definition one:
"a point, directly above the true center of disturbance, from which the shock waves of an earthquake apparently radiate."

Definition two:
"a focal point, as of activity."

(definitions from dictionary.com)
Epicenter is much more than JUST Sunday School or Bible Study. It's our focal point, our time to re-energize through the Word of God, discussing not only God's truths, but also why they are important in our lives as teens. Through this focal point, the rest of our week will radiate the shock waves of God's love in our lives!
Sunday Morning @ 9:45 in youth room
Schedule for Epicenter